Some of us are old hats at this mother thing...but that doesn't mean it ever gets old. Some of you out there are first time celebraters with your little ones. This day is for us and all our hard work and unconditional love. I am sure that we all have become great moms because of OUR moms. So here is a picture of my mom...the greatest in the world.
Happy Mother's day to my mom, mother-in-law, traveling buddies, and all our waiting mommies.
Every call has a beginning. A quiet moment when God whispers a promise to a mother’s heart . A holy place where a father bows and faithfully accepts the journey set before him. A miraculous morning that unexpectedly dawns… Casting its first light on a chosen threshold. A gentle knock..a closed door opens, a sacred invitation sent by the Father.. leads to the other side of the world. Where lonely hearts stare out orphanage windows praying for someone to care.. and then one morning, on an ordinary day an orphan’s life changes... God sends them a second chance...Through you..
--author unknown
Favorite Poem
We are a family now, a whole,of which you are a part,and you are just as much our child as any in our heart. We do not love you differently,nor would we give up less of all that life has given us to bring you happiness.There is no limit to our love,no boundary you might cross,no price you may be asked to pay,no need to fear its loss. We are now one, the five of us,windows of one home. As long as we have life and breath,You’ll never be alone.~Nicholas Gordon
1 comment:
Happy Belated Mother's Day to YOU!
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